Norse myth and mysteries
Johan Ernst Jasper (1874-1945) was a Freemason who lived in Dutch occupied Indonesia and who died in a Japanese camp during WWII. He wrote extensively...
Frimurerne I Vikingtiden
A couple of months ago there was a tiny stir in the ‘social world’ about a Norwegian book about “Freemasonry In Viking Times” by the...
Bronze age apron?
An image I stole from the website of the Ullensaker museum. The image is a bronze age figure wearing what looks like an apron with runes....
World pillar with a net
Thereafter they voyaged till they found a great silvern column. It had four sides, and the width of each of these sides was two oar-strokes...
Farwerck draws comparisons between the “oblong square” form of a lodgeroom and remains of temples in Iceland. There was also such a temple in a...
Öndvegissúlur, or high-seat pillars, were a pair of wooden poles placed on each side of the high-seat—the place where the head of household would have...
Comacine masters
According to Wikipedia “The Comacine masters (magistri comacini) were early medieval Lombard stonemasons working in a region of excellent building stone who gave to Lombardy...
Culwch and Olwen
Culhwch’s father, King Cilydd son of Celyddon, loses his wife Goleuddydd after a difficult childbirth. When he remarries, the young Culhwch rejects his stepmother’s attempt...
Lex Frisionum
De Honore templorum Qui fanum effregerit, et ibi aliquid de sacris tulerit, ducitur ad mare, et in sabulo, quod accessus maris operire solte, finduntur aures...
A sort of timeline
Saying something about the religious history of Northwestern Europe, we can pick the first century as starting point. It is from then on that the...